Youth Ministry | 7th – 12th grade
According to the Fuller Youth Institute, teenagers often have questions of identity, belonging, and purpose (3 Big Questions that Change Every Teenager, 2021). At TLC, as you enter middle school and high school, we want to partner with you as you explore these questions. We believe that through a deep relationship with Christ, you can be better anchored as you venture into the world after high school. No matter where you are on your faith and life journey, we hope to be a place where you feel safe to explore and deepen your relationship with God and others.
For more information, contact us at
10:00 AM every Sunday
Join us Sundays at 10:00 AM in the Youth trailer! After the main service, you are welcome to hang around, study, and grab a bite to eat with other students.
7:00 PM every Friday
Every Friday we gather in different locations to study the Bible and build fellowship with each other. Every Friday can look slightly different, and it’s best to follow us on Instagram @tlclighters for the latest updates.

Paul Cho
Youth Pastor & Director,
Small Group Leader

Justin Nguyen
Small Group Leader

JJ Young
Small Group Leader

Samantha Lam
Small Group Leader

Lucy Cao
Small Group Leader

Marian Cao
Small Group Leader