True Love Community


Here are some first steps you can take at TLC.

1. Join Us On Sundays

TLC is lively every Sunday. In the morning at 10 A.M., our Vietnamese Ministry (VM) meets, while the English Ministry (EM) services occur shortly after the VM concludes at noon. To avoid any ambiguity, the following information is for those wanting to visit the EM. 

Childcare services are provided.

What To Expect As A Newcomer

Around 15 minutes before service starts at 12:00 P.M., a space is reserved in front of the main sanctuary with small tables, snacks, and drinks provided by our connect team. This is an ideal time and space to introduce yourself to some of our members, as it can be difficult to speak to others in the main sanctuary during the service. Still, any visitors are welcome in our EM service and may sit anywhere they would like to. They are also welcome to participate in any after service activities unless stated otherwise. The service typically lasts a little over an hour and often, there will be various groups that will go out to eat afterwards. Post-service activities are not officially managed by the connect team, but this is also a good time to get to know more people. 


Click here to view our UPDATED service times.

2. Get Connected Through Community

TLC is a multigenerational church with various ministries dedicated to specific age groups. For our children (Pre-K to 6th), we have our own trailers and separate Sunday activities provided by our Children’s Ministry (CM). Youth (7th to 12th), also have their own separate service (in English) that is similar to our main EM service. Both the Youth service and the CM service occur simultaneously with the VM service. Anyone who has graduated high school and speaks English primarily will be directed to our EM service. 


Outside of Sundays, there are official ministry meetings for Youth and College-aged individuals. If you do not fall into either category, the EM has a number of different small groups which meet at different times of the week. Basically, there is no excuse to not get connected! Please see the links below for information and meeting times for our various groups.






3. Check Out Upcoming Events

Being a large community, there is almost always something going on every week. Click on the link below to get a preview of upcoming events and activities. 

Meet The Pastor

Tony Nguyen

Tony Nguyen

English Ministry Pastor

If you are completely new to TLC, church, being a Christian, or Christianity in general, then our EM director Pastor Tony (PT) would love to have lunch with you. Talking to PT is a great way to get a sense of the vision we have here at TLC or simply getting more guidance on how you can serve or get connected. Contact PT at or schedule a meeting here.