Vietnam Missions
Vietnam missions holds a special place in the hearts of TLC members, especially because TLC has its origins in Vietnam.
About Vietnam Missions
Virtually every TLC member is related to a 1st generation Vietnamese immigrant or refugee, or has family members currently living in Vietnam. The population of Vietnam is over 96 million, but there are less than 1 million Christians. Officially a Socialist One-Party state, Vietnam’s government, which is controlled by the Vietnamese Communist Party, continues to be suspicious of any organized religious activity. Although there are established Churches in Vietnam, being a Christian is still difficult with the constant threat of government persecution.
In 2019, TLC sent a group of leaders and college students to partner with Vietnam Campus Crusade for Christ (VCCC), UGOC Church, and NTC Vietnam where they spent time with young Vietnamese Christians and evangelized to non-Christian Vietnamese students, knowing that they are the future of Vietnam. TLC is committed to fulfill the Great Commission and we hope to see the Vietnamese people come to know and be known by Christ Jesus.