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True Love Community Ministry
Audio – listen to our latest podcast on Spotify: https://www.wearetruelove.com/listen
True Love Community Ministry
was live.
7 days ago
Passage: Leviticus 25:8-12, 39-43Sermon Notes: www.wearetruelove.com/sundayTo give please visit: www.wearetruelove.com/give Join TLC on our social media for updates!YouTube: www.youtube.com/truelovecommunity Facebook: True Love Community Ministry Instagram: www.instagram.com/truelovecommunity
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True Love Community Ministry
was live.
7 days ago
Passage: Leviticus 25:8-12, 39-43Sermon Notes: www.wearetruelove.com/sundayTo give please visit: www.wearetruelove.com/give Join TLC on our social media for updates!YouTube: www.youtube.com/truelovecommunity Facebook: True Love Community Ministry Instagram: www.instagram.com/truelovecommunity
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True Love Community Ministry
was live.
2 weeks ago
Passage: Leviticus 20:26Sermon Notes:Part 1: Leviticus 20:26 1. Jubilee: A year of Restoration a. The book of Leviticus is to point you towards Holiness i. God dwells with His people 1. Frightening 2. Amazing ii. Levitical laws that allow Gods people to draw close to Him. 1. Law for Holiness in the Priests (Lev 1-15) 2. Law for Holy Place (Day of Atonement) (Lev 16) 3. Law for Holiness in People (Lev 17-27) b. The book of Leviticus is to show you none can be Holy i. You cannot do it on your own c. The book of Leviticus is point you towards Jesus i. True and Perfect Priest, Person, Sacrifice 1. Brings Complete Restoration Luke 4:18-19 ii. He restores us to be a vessel of restoration 1. Restoration of our relationship to HIM 2. Restoration of our own SELF in Light of Jesus 3. Restoration of our relationship to OTHERS 4. Restoration of our relationships with THINGS 5. Restoration of our MISSION to the CITY Part 2: Leviticus 25:8-12; 39-40 1. The Year of Liberty and Release a. Jubilee of the land (Liberty) b. Jubilee of the people (Release) 2. Proclaiming liberty a. Proclaim Liberty for the poor/in need of second chances b. Jesus is true and perfect Jubilee To give please visit: www.wearetruelove.com/give Join TLC on our social media for updates!YouTube: www.youtube.com/truelovecommunity Facebook: True Love Community Ministry Instagram: www.instagram.com/truelovecommunity
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True Love Community Ministry
was live.
3 weeks ago
Mục sư/Pastor Đoàn Hưng LinhKinh Thánh/Passage: 1 Giăng/1 John 4:7-21To give please visit: www.wearetruelove.com/give Join TLC on our social media for updates!YouTube: www.youtube.com/truelovecommunity Facebook: True Love Community Ministry Instagram: www.instagram.com/truelovecommunity
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True Love Community Ministry
was live.
4 weeks ago
Passage: John 1:1-5 & 14Sermon in a Sentence: Behold your God Introduction: Some lines are so iconic they’re instantly recognizable. In the same way, John begins his gospel with a bombshell statement: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Point 1: The Word is God 1. There is only one God. a. Christianity is a _______ faith. b. John’s claim is clear: Jesus is ______ c. Misunderstanding this truth leads to heresies like Gnosticism and Mormonism. 2. Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit are distinct yet fully God. a. “The Word was with God” shows the Word is distinct from the Father and the Spirit. b. Each Person in the Trinity has distinct roles: i. The ______ sends the Son and speaks creation into existence. ii. The ______ is “The Word” who reveals and redeems. iii. The _____ brings life and spiritual understanding. 3. Jesus is “The Word.” a. In the Old Testament, the “Word of the Lord” brings ________ and reveals ____. b. The Word is God’s speech in action, bringing life and healing. Point 2: The Word brought light 1. In John 1:5, the light shines, and the darkness did not ______ or __________ it. a. John uses a double meaning here i. First: Darkness cannot understand the light. (John 8:12—Jesus declares, “I am the light of the world,” but the Pharisees call Him a liar.) ii. Second: Darkness cannot overcome Jesus. Satan, demons, and sinful men try to stop Him, even by crucifixion, but the resurrection proves their failure. 2. The mistake of familiarity. a. It’s easy to think of Jesus as just a good teacher or philosopher. b. But John reminds us: Jesus is the Holy God, the source of all life in the universe. c. Like Uzzah in 2 Samuel 6, familiarity can dull our awe and respect for the divine. i. Uzzah thought his sinful hand was holier than the ground. ii. His error came from losing reverence for the __________________ , housed in his family home for decades. Point 3: The Word became flesh 1. The Word became __________ and dwelt among us, sharing in our struggles and taking on weakness to redeem us. 2. The Creator who made and sustains everything willingly humbled Himself to live among us and die for us. 3. Humanity has been __________ from God because of sin, forfeiting the right to know Him. 4. God chose to reveal Himself through the Word, bridging the gap we could never cross on our own. God Came in Grace and Truth a. Though we deserved judgment, God came in __________ and __________, showing His steadfast love and faithfulness. b. He could have come in wrath, but instead, He revealed His glory in redemption. The Word’s Humility and Sacrifice a. Jesus, fully God, became human for __________ and endured suffering and death for our sake. b. His humility calls us to lay down our __________ and take up our __________ to follow Him. To give please visit: www.wearetruelove.com/give Join TLC on our social media for updates!YouTube: www.youtube.com/truelovecommunity Facebook: www.facebook.com/truelovecommunityministry Instagram: www.instagram.com/truelovecommunity
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