True Love Community

Small Groups

Why We Gather in Community

A church is not a building, but the members. Moreover, brief snippets of small talk on Sundays are not enough to grow as a Christian or develop meaningful relationships. At TLC, we gather in community outside of Sundays in the same way that family members spend time with each other. As a spiritual family, we want to spend time with each other to love and serve each other by encouraging each other to grow spiritually and by practicing accountability.

What are Small Groups?

Small groups are subsets of church members who meet with each other to serve, learn, and do life with one another. At TLC, our primary way of being in community with other believers is via small groups and we believe that it is crucial that our members actively seek to be a part of one.  


There are several small groups in TLC which are catered to different stages of life starting from college to later in young adult life. These small groups meet at various times throughout the week and are listed below.

MASA | College Ministry

We are here to serve college age Christians, especially those who are a part of the Vietnamese community.

MASA’s goal is to equip and educate college students to answer difficult questions about Christianity and take personal ownership of their faith in a community where they can share in their unique life circumstances. Our goals for each member are to learn about apologetics, mental health, write a personal testimony, and understand Christian evangelism.

MASA meets most Saturdays of each month, saved the 2nd Saturday and holiday weekends at 7:00 PM. for Bible Study. Additionally, there is a yearly summer retreat, Holiday events (i.e. Secret Santa), and special events that the core team collectively decides to hold depending on the circumstances! Get more details on our dedicated page here!

Meeting times/dates: Most Saturdays at 7:00 PM except for the 2nd week and holiday weekends.


We are a body of believers navigating the post-college phase of our adult lives by serving other men and women seeking to grow in fellowship and God’s word.

Our goal is to help newcomers feel connected with other members of our church and to inspire young men and women to share their faith with people in their workplaces, schools, and homes. We hope to also raise up future leaders of our church through developing relationships with the next generation and by equipping our members with the ability to lead their own families.

TK meets every on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month at 7:00 PM for Bible Study and an Outing event respectively. Additionally, there is a yearly retreat, Holiday events (Friendsgiving, Holiday Potlucks), and special events that the core team collectively decides to host for the blessing of the members!

Meeting times/dates: Every 1st and 3rd Fridays at 7:00 PM

TGIF | Bible Exposition

TGIF is a bread and butter small group led by Pastor Tony with expository Bible reading and teaching as its main material. TGIF’s goal is to be able to help it’s members read and understand the scripture according to its original context and be able to apply those truth into their lives currently.

Meeting times/dates: Every Friday evening at 7:00 PM


We exist primarily to serve members of TLC who desire to grow deeper in their faith.

Damascus serves to equip and serve the members of TLC through discussions on dogma and doctrine. Every six months, the members conclude a series and are responsible for communicating the discussed truths to TLC and other interested believers through a seminar, actively both pushing the members’ own obedience to Christ while opening up a space to discuss and inform other Christians.

In the spirit of doing life with one another, there are other activities and events hosted throughout the year, including retreats, outreaches, and appreciation nights. We ask that members commit to the small group before the beginning of every series, typically during the months of January and July, for at least 6 months. However, all are encouraged to check out the group during our “open-season” period of February and the summer.

Meeting times/dates: Every 2nd, 4th Monday evening at 7:00 PM


Join us as the men and women of TLC gather together every month.


TLC’s small group geared specifically towards men.

We are here to serve and equip men to live out their God given role.

Men’s Group’s goal is to equip its participants to bring flourishing to 3 areas of their lives (Church, Family and Culture). We want to see men build spiritual legacy for their families and their disciples.

Meeting times/dates: Every second Saturday at 7:00 PM


TLC’s official women’s ministry and small group.

We are here to equip women to know God and to make Him known.

Women’s Group’s goal is to create a space of hospitality where women in TLC can share and encourage one another to build each other up and support one another through each stage of life.

Women’s group meets every second Saturday of the month (typically 7:30PM); We are planning for a women’s group retreat TBD in 2022.


Meeting times/dates: Every second Saturday at 7:30 PM

Interested in joining a small group?

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